FRIDAY MEDALLIST Since 2019, Hamburg has had TEAM GREEN, founded by two of the city's largest clubs, ETV Hamburg and TSG Bergedorf von 1860 e.V., and supported by the Hamburger Sportbund e.V. Later in the year, HSV (Hamburger Sport-Verein) also joined, and since 2021, the initiative has been funded by #moinzukunft – Hamburger Climate Fund. The goal of TEAM GREEN is to motivate its members to use bicycles for commuting to sports activities (and, of course, for other purposes) – promoting climate protection, sustainability, and physical activity. Various fantastic actions have already been implemented, and there are many plans for this year. A great and deserving Friday Medallist!
#sports4trees #ReadySteadyGrow #strongertogether #sportsforclimateaction #sportsforfuture #teamgeist #fridaysforfuture #allefuersklima #klimawandeln #nachhaltigkeit #sustainabilitymatters #unitebehindthescience #KeinGradWeiter #klimaschutz #HSV #HSB #ETV #TSGBergedorf #TeamGreen